
Breaking down stigma

On a mission to educate and empower, and with a strategy focused on ‘Everyone deserves to feel everything’, HBK+Commotion launched the first ever SKYN toys range into the Australian market with the specific objective of demystifying and destigmatising sex toys through communicating the association between pleasure and well-being.

Deliberately fresh, bold and modern in both messaging and visual execution, a major strategic campaign component was the creation, design and build of a simple, engaging and entertaining quiz which quickly identified the viewer’s comfort level, enabling a fun, non-confrontational educational interaction, leading to inspired levels of brand engagement, data capture and product sales.


Concept, Editing, Storyboards, Design and Copy

Microsite, eDM, social (Stories / Carousels), digital, advertising, digital quiz module

SKYN successfully introduced 7 new sex toys to the Australian market

The SKYN Thrill vibrator is one of Amazon’s best-selling sex toys*